The Secretary of the local commitee of SDPU(o) in Lviv Ihor Begey states that the results of the Presidential elections which have been declaired by the Central Electional Committee are falsificated. He claimed on the press-conferense which was held in Lviv that V. Yushchenko had gained at least 5% more than V. Yanukovich. According to his statement, SDPU(o) had been providing dishonest propaganda in support for Yanukovich and the results should be thoroughly checked. I. Begey says that he supports the leader of the block `Nasha Ukraina` V. Yushchenko and so does the 2/3 of the SDPU(o) in Lviv. Taking into accound the words of the secretary of Lychakivsk regional organization of SDPU(o) Andrya Gudzuvatogo, he was forced by the head of the local organization of SDPU(o) to collect transfer slips.
Sourse: Media Center `Candidate`